A Slice of Italian Tradition: Authentic Pizza Dough Recipe with 00 Flour

Welcome to the world of Neapolitan pizza, where tradition meets simplicity. In this episode of Vincenzo’s Plate, we are privileged to learn the secrets of making authentic Neapolitan pizza dough from none other than the world champion pizza maker himself, Johnny Di Francesco. With just a few basic ingredients – water, salt, yeast, and the all-important flour – you too can achieve the perfect taste and texture that have made Neapolitan pizza so renowned worldwide. This video is just the beginning of a series dedicated to the art of pizza-making, with episodes ranging from whole wheat pizza to gluten-free variations. Whether you’re a seasoned pizza enthusiast or a beginner in the culinary world, this series promises to guide you through the traditional techniques that ensure a mouth-watering Neapolitan pizza every time.

In this captivating introduction to Vincenzo’s Plate, Johnny Di Francesco takes center stage to share his expertise on creating the best Neapolitan pizza dough. With a simple recipe comprising water, salt, yeast, and the right flour, he demystifies the process and highlights the importance of each ingredient. As we embark on this culinary journey, Johnny invites us to discover the joy of making perfect pizza dough and emphasizes the significance of using the correct flour and yeast. From mixing the ingredients to resting the dough, stretching it, and finally cooking, he leaves no stone unturned in teaching us the art of Neapolitan pizza-making. So gather your culinary enthusiasm and get ready to impress your friends and family with your very own homemade masterpiece.

A Slice of Italian Tradition: Authentic Pizza Dough Recipe with 00 Flour

Check out the flour for this recipe here


Making pizza Napoletana dough from scratch

Creating pizza dough from scratch is an art in itself, and the Neapolitan style is no exception. The key to success lies in choosing the right ingredients and following the precise techniques that have been perfected over centuries. With Johnny’s guidance, we will break down the process for you, step by step, ensuring you have all the knowledge required to master this classic Italian staple.

Ingredients and process explained

The foundation of any good pizza dough is its ingredients. For an authentic Neapolitan dough, you will need 00 flour, water, salt, and yeast. The finely ground 00 flour provides the perfect balance of texture and chewiness that is characteristic of a true Neapolitan pizza. Johnny emphasizes the importance of using high-quality ingredients to achieve the desired results.

To start the dough-making process, combine the flour, salt, yeast, and lukewarm water in a large mixing bowl. Slowly incorporate the ingredients, gently mixing until the dough begins to form. Johnny emphasizes the need for patience during this stage, as it allows the flavors to develop and the gluten to activate, resulting in a more flavorful and elastic dough.

A Slice of Italian Tradition: Authentic Pizza Dough Recipe with 00 Flour

Importance of using the right flour and yeast

The use of 00 flour in Neapolitan pizza dough cannot be overstated. This finely milled flour, low in protein content, creates a light and tender crust that sets it apart from other types of pizza. Its ability to absorb water and produce a delicate texture is crucial in achieving that authentic Napoletana flavor.

Additionally, selecting the right yeast is crucial for achieving the desired rise and texture. Johnny advises using fresh yeast or active dry yeast, ensuring it is fresh and active to yield a soft and pillowy dough. The yeast activates the fermentation process, imparting that distinct flavor and airy texture that defines Neapolitan pizza.

Techniques for making dough balls

To perfect the art of pizza dough, one must also master the shaping of dough balls. After the initial mixing process, the dough needs to be divided into individual portions to undergo the fermentation and rising process. This is where the true skill of a pizzaiolo shines.

Johnny takes us through the traditional technique of rolling and folding the dough to form tight, round balls. This process helps create tension in the dough, allowing it to rise uniformly and develop that airy, chewy texture that is characteristic of a Neapolitan pizza. Paying attention to the details in this stage ensures a consistent and enjoyable pizza experience.

A Slice of Italian Tradition: Authentic Pizza Dough Recipe with 00 Flour

Resting the dough and refrigeration options

As any Italian nonna will tell you, a well-rested dough is essential for flavor and texture development. After shaping the dough balls, it is important to let them rest at room temperature for an extended period to allow the flavors to deepen and the gluten to relax.

If time is not on your side, Johnny suggests placing the dough balls in a covered container and refrigerating them for up to 24 hours. This cold fermentation process slows down the rising but intensifies the flavor, resulting in a more complex and nuanced pizza.

Stretching the pizza dough

Now comes the exciting part – stretching the dough! This step is where you can truly unleash your creativity and personalize your pizza. Johnny walks us through the proper technique of stretching the dough, ensuring an even thickness throughout and leaving just the right amount of crust for that perfect balance of flavors.

Gently start stretching the dough from the center, working your way outwards, allowing gravity to assist in the process. Don’t worry if you are not achieving a perfectly round shape; remember, the beauty of handmade pizza lies in its imperfections. What matters most is the love and care you put into creating each unique pie.

A Slice of Italian Tradition: Authentic Pizza Dough Recipe with 00 Flour

Cooking tips for pizza Napoletana

To fully embrace the Neapolitan tradition, it is crucial to have the right setting for baking your pizza. If you have access to a wood-fired pizza oven, you’re in luck! The intense heat and smoky aroma contribute to creating an unparalleled pizza experience. The high temperature of these ovens results in a quick and crispy cook, while the wood infuses a distinct flavor into the dough.

However, fear not if a wood-fired oven is not at your disposal. A preheated conventional oven at the highest temperature possible can still yield fantastic results. Just be sure to use a pizza stone or preheated baking sheet to mimic the effect of a hot pizza stone. This helps recreate that sought-after crispness and charred spots that make Neapolitan pizza so irresistible.

How to eat pizza Napoletana

Now that you’ve invested time and love into making your authentic Neapolitan pizza, it’s time to savor the fruits of your labor. In Italy, pizza is meant to be enjoyed with friends and family, turning every meal into a celebration. As you take that first bite, close your eyes and let the rich flavors transport you to the streets of Naples.

Remember to use your hands to fully immerse yourself in this culinary experience. Feel the thin, chewy crust between your fingers and savor the explosion of flavors from the fresh, high-quality ingredients. Close your eyes and let the harmony of the cheese, tomatoes, and fragrant basil dance on your tongue. Take your time, embrace the joy, and relish in the flavors of Italy.

A Slice of Italian Tradition: Authentic Pizza Dough Recipe with 00 Flour


Congratulations! You have embarked on a journey into the heart of Neapolitan tradition and mastered the art of creating authentic pizza dough with 00 flour. With the guidance of Johnny D Francesco, we have explored the importance of using the right ingredients, learned essential techniques for preparing and shaping the dough, and discovered the secret to a perfect pizza Napoletana.

Remember, pizza-making is not just a process; it is an expression of love and heritage. So gather your loved ones, roll up your sleeves, and create memories that will last a lifetime. Whether you have an Italian Nonna guiding your every move or you’re a passionate pizza enthusiast, with the right ingredients, patience, and a sprinkle of passion, you can transform your kitchen into the pizzerias of Naples. Buon appetito!

Neapolitan pizza dough, known worldwide for its excellence, is often misunderstood. Thankfully, we have enlisted the expertise of Johnny Di Francesco, the world champion pizza maker, to reveal the secrets behind crafting authentic Neapolitan pizza dough. In line with Italian tradition, this dough comprises just a handful of ingredients – water, salt, yeast, and, of course, the crucial element: flour. The impeccable taste and irresistible crunch of this dough truly set it apart, so pay close attention as we strip it down and honor its simplicity.

This marks the beginning of a series dedicated entirely to pizza. Even if you haven’t yet developed an obsession with perfecting your own Neapolitan pizza, trust that these traditional techniques will captivate you, ensuring that each attempt yields flawless results. Now, let us delve into the realm of creating Neapolitan Pizza dough, guided by the expertise of a world-renowned pizza chef.





  • 600ml water (room temperature)
  • 1kg 5 Stagioni Napoletana Pizza Flour, Tipo 00 (RED)
  • 30g salt
  • 1-2g fresh yeast (or half teaspoon of dry yeast)


  • Large mixing bowl
  • Table or bench space
  • Your hands!
  • OPTIONAL: This pizza can also be made using a stand mixer


🎬 #VincenzosPlate is a YouTube channel with a focus on cooking, determined to teach the world, one #videorecipe at a time, that you don’t need to be a professional #chef to impress friends, family, and yourself with mouth-watering #ItalianFoodRecipes right out of your very own #kitchen, while having a laugh (and a glass of vino!).

Check out the flour for this recipe here

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