Constructing a Forno Bravo Pizza Oven: Your Step-by-Step Guide

In “Constructing a Forno Bravo Pizza Oven: Your Step-by-Step Guide,” you will find a comprehensive video guide on how to build your very own pizza oven using a Forno Bravo oven kit. The article provides a list of tools and materials recommended for the installation, such as wire tie, plyers, spatulas, levels, and more. It outlines the installation process, including dome installation, chimney installation, insulation, stucco application, seal coating, and painting. The video offers detailed instructions and tips for each step, stressing the importance of following instructions and safety precautions. The kit allows for various customization options, allowing you to personalize the oven’s exterior with your choice of tile, stone, stucco, brick, or integrated look. Whether you prefer a wood or gas-fired oven, this step-by-step guide will help you build the perfect pizza oven for your outdoor space.

Choosing the Right Location

When it comes to installing your Forno Bravo pizza oven, one of the most crucial decisions you’ll need to make is choosing the right location. This will determine the overall functionality and accessibility of your oven. There are a few key factors to consider when determining the ideal placement for your pizza oven: space, accessibility, and safety.

First, take a look at the available space in your outdoor area. You’ll want to choose a location that is large enough to accommodate both the oven itself and any additional features you may want to add, such as a prep area or seating. Make sure to measure the dimensions of the oven and allow for extra space for clearance and ease of movement.

Next, think about accessibility. Ideally, you’ll want your pizza oven to be located in a spot that is convenient and easy to access. Consider factors such as the proximity to your kitchen or outdoor entertaining area. You’ll want to minimize the distance you need to travel when bringing ingredients or pizzas to and from the oven.

Lastly, safety should be a top priority when choosing the location for your pizza oven. Ensure that the site is well-ventilated and away from any flammable materials. Avoid placing the oven under low-hanging trees or near structures that could potentially catch fire. Additionally, consider the stability of the ground. You’ll want to choose a spot with a solid and level foundation to ensure the safety and stability of your oven.

By carefully considering these factors and taking the time to choose the right location for your Forno Bravo pizza oven, you’ll be setting yourself up for success in creating a functional and enjoyable outdoor cooking space.

Preparing the Site

Once you’ve chosen the perfect location for your Forno Bravo pizza oven, it’s time to prepare the site. This involves clearing the area of any obstacles or debris and ensuring a level and stable foundation for the oven.

Start by clearing the site of any rocks, sticks, or other debris that could potentially interfere with the installation process or pose a safety hazard. It’s important to have a clean and clear space to work with in order to avoid any issues down the line.

Next, assess the ground and make sure it is level and stable. Uneven ground can lead to an unstable oven and potentially cause damage or safety issues. Use a level to check the surface and make any necessary adjustments. This may involve digging and leveling the ground or using materials such as gravel or sand to create a stable base.

By taking the time to properly prepare the site for your Forno Bravo pizza oven, you’ll ensure a smooth and successful installation process and lay the foundation for a long-lasting and enjoyable outdoor cooking experience.

Constructing a Forno Bravo Pizza Oven: Your Step-by-Step Guide

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Gathering the Necessary Tools

Before you begin the installation process, it’s important to gather all the necessary tools and materials. Having the right tools on hand will make the process much smoother and help ensure accurate and efficient installation.

Here are some of the essential tools you’ll need for installing your Forno Bravo pizza oven:

  • Wire tie, plyers, and spatulas for handling materials: These tools will come in handy when working with wire ties, securing components, and spreading stucco.
  • Drill bits and levels: These tools are essential for accurate installation. Drill bits will be needed to secure components, while levels will help ensure everything is properly aligned.
  • Sponges and eggbeater: These tools are necessary for mixing stucco. Sponges can be used to wet the stucco mix, while an eggbeater will help you achieve a smooth and consistent texture.
  • Makita mixer: This tool is highly recommended for efficient mixing of stucco. Using a mixer will save you time and effort compared to manual mixing.
  • Heavy-duty gloves, drill screw, washers, and mesh: These tools are necessary for securing components together. Gloves will protect your hands during the installation process, while washers and mesh will provide added strength and durability.
  • Joint knife and hawk wood handle: These tools are used for applying stucco. A joint knife is essential for spreading the stucco mix smoothly, while a hawk wood handle provides a stable base for the application.
  • Paint roller and blue Scotch tape: These tools are helpful for finishing touches. A paint roller can be used to apply stucco to larger surfaces, while blue Scotch tape can be used to protect areas you want to keep clean.
  • Flooring tapping block: This tool is useful for leveling and alignment. It will help ensure a level surface for your pizza oven.

Having these tools readily available will save you time and frustration during the installation process. Make sure to gather all the necessary tools before you begin, and keep them organized and easily accessible throughout the installation.

Sourcing the Recommended Materials

In addition to the tools, you’ll also need to gather the recommended materials for installing your Forno Bravo pizza oven. These materials will provide insulation, strength, and durability to your oven.

Here are the recommended materials you’ll need:

  • Silica sand 60 mesh from Basalite: This type of sand is recommended for insulation. It helps retain heat and create an optimal cooking environment inside the oven.
  • Metal lath from Home Depot (27″ x 8″): Metal lath is essential for added strength and durability. It provides a solid base for the stucco and helps reinforce the structure of the oven.

By sourcing these recommended materials, you’ll ensure that your oven is built to last and performs at its best. Make sure to purchase these materials from trusted suppliers to ensure their quality and compatibility with your Forno Bravo pizza oven.

Constructing a Forno Bravo Pizza Oven: Your Step-by-Step Guide

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Understanding the Forno Bravo Kit

Before you dive into the installation process, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the components included in the Forno Bravo kit. This will help you understand the overall structure of the oven and how the different parts come together.

The Forno Bravo kit typically includes the dome pieces, chimney base, chimney sections, wire ties, and drill screws. The dome pieces are pre-cut and designed to fit together seamlessly, forming the main structure of the oven. The chimney base provides stability and acts as a connecting point for the chimney sections.

One of the great advantages of the Forno Bravo kit is its flexibility and customization options. While the kit includes the essential components for building the oven, you have the freedom to personalize it according to your preferences. You can add additional features, such as a decorative arch or a unique finish, to make your pizza oven truly your own.

Take the time to carefully review the components included in your Forno Bravo kit and familiarize yourself with their purpose and function. This will give you a clear understanding of how the oven is constructed and allow you to confidently move forward with the installation process.

Dome Installation

Now that you have a clear understanding of the components included in your Forno Bravo kit, it’s time to start the actual installation process. The first step is to assemble and place the pre-cut dome pieces.

Start by laying out the dome pieces in the desired configuration. Make sure to refer to the instructions provided by Forno Bravo for the correct placement and alignment. Once you have the pieces positioned correctly, use wire ties to secure them together. The wire ties should be tightly secured to ensure a stable structure.

In addition to wire ties, you’ll also need drill screws to further secure the dome pieces. Use a drill bit to create pilot holes in the designated areas and then insert the screws. Make sure to tighten the screws snugly, but be careful not to overtighten or strip the holes.

Securing the dome pieces properly is crucial for the overall stability and durability of your pizza oven. Take your time and ensure that each piece is properly aligned and securely fastened. With a solidly constructed dome, you’re well on your way to enjoying delicious homemade pizzas.

Constructing a Forno Bravo Pizza Oven: Your Step-by-Step Guide

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Chimney Installation

After successfully installing the dome of your Forno Bravo pizza oven, it’s time to move on to the chimney installation. The chimney is an important component that helps create an effective smoke vent and ensures proper ventilation for your oven.

Start by setting up the chimney base in the designated area. Make sure it is aligned with the dome and firmly secured to the structure. This will provide a stable foundation for the chimney.

Next, connect the chimney sections according to the instructions provided by Forno Bravo. These sections are designed to fit together easily, creating a seamless and secure chimney shaft. Use drill screws to secure the sections together, ensuring a tight and stable connection.

To complete the chimney installation, create a smoke vent at the top of the chimney. This will allow smoke to escape and prevent any potential buildup. Follow the instructions provided by Forno Bravo to ensure the vent is properly constructed and meets the necessary requirements.

By properly installing the chimney, you’ll ensure efficient ventilation and a hassle-free cooking experience. The chimney plays a crucial role in maintaining the ideal cooking environment inside your pizza oven, so take the time to install it correctly and securely.


Insulation is a critical step in the installation process of your Forno Bravo pizza oven. It helps retain heat and create a consistent and optimal cooking environment. In this section, we’ll walk you through the process of applying insulation to your oven.

Start by applying a layer of silica sand 60 mesh to the interior of the oven. The silica sand helps retain heat and creates a thermal barrier, ensuring even heat distribution and improved performance. Use a trowel or your hands to spread the sand evenly, making sure to cover all interior surfaces.

Once the silica sand layer is in place, cover it with metal lath. Metal lath provides added insulation and strength to the oven. Secure the metal lath using wire ties, making sure it is tightly secured to avoid any movement or gaps.

By properly insulating your Forno Bravo pizza oven, you’ll ensure that it reaches and maintains the optimal cooking temperature, resulting in perfectly cooked pizzas every time. Insulation is an essential step in the installation process, so make sure to take your time and apply it carefully and thoroughly.

Constructing a Forno Bravo Pizza Oven: Your Step-by-Step Guide

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Scratch Stucco

Now that you have successfully installed the dome, chimney, and insulation, it’s time to apply the scratch stucco. Stucco provides a protective and decorative finish to your Forno Bravo pizza oven, enhancing its overall appearance and durability.

Start by mixing the stucco according to the instructions provided by Forno Bravo. This may involve using a Makita mixer to achieve a smooth and consistent texture. Follow the recommended proportions and mixing duration to ensure the stucco is of the right consistency.

Once the stucco is properly mixed, use a joint knife to apply a thin scratch coat to the dome and chimney. The scratch coat helps create a rough surface for the final stucco layer to adhere to. Make sure to spread the stucco evenly and cover all surfaces, taking care to avoid any gaps or inconsistencies.

After the scratch coat is in place, allow it to dry for the recommended amount of time. Once it has dried, you can proceed with applying the final stucco layer. Use the joint knife or a paint roller to carefully apply the stucco, ensuring a smooth and even finish.

To protect any areas you want to keep clean, such as the opening of the oven, use blue Scotch tape. This will prevent any unwanted stucco from accidentally getting onto those areas.

By applying the scratch stucco correctly, you’ll not only protect your Forno Bravo pizza oven from the elements but also give it a visually appealing finish that will make it a standout feature in your outdoor area.


Congratulations, you’ve reached the end of this comprehensive guide on installing a Forno Bravo pizza oven! By following the step-by-step instructions and using the recommended tools and materials, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying delicious homemade pizzas in your own backyard.

Throughout the process, it’s important to keep in mind the flexibility and customization options offered by the Forno Bravo kit. Don’t hesitate to add your own personal touches or experiment with different finishes to make your pizza oven uniquely yours.

Building and installing a Forno Bravo pizza oven is a rewarding and enjoyable project that will enhance your outdoor cooking experience. Whether you’re hosting parties or enjoying a quiet evening with your loved ones, your pizza oven will quickly become the highlight of your outdoor entertaining area.

So, gather your tools, source the materials, and get ready to embark on this exciting adventure. With a little bit of time and effort, you’ll soon be savoring wood-fired pizzas made with love and care in your very own Forno Bravo pizza oven. Happy cooking!

This guide will walk you through the process of installing an outdoor pizza oven using a Forno Bravo oven kit.

Here are the tools you will need:

  1. Wire tie
  2. Plyers
  3. Spatulas
  4. Drill Bits 5/32 Philips
  5. Levels
  6. Sponges
  7. Eggbeater to mix the concrete and mortar
  8. Makita mixer for the eggbeater
  9. Heavy Duty Gloves
  10. Sand
  11. Drill screw 1″
  12. Washers
  13. Mesh
  14. Joint knife
  15. Hawk wood handle
  16. Paint Roller
  17. Blue scotch tape 2″
  18. Flooring tapping block
  19. V notch trowel

For materials, you will need:

  1. Sand – Silica sand 60 mesh from Basalite. Part number: 200000276
  2. Metal Lath from home depot (27″ x 8″)
  3. 16 gauge 3.5 wire tie by Fastenal

To choose your kit, please visit the link below.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

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Constructing a Forno Bravo Pizza Oven: Your Step-by-Step Guide