

Website Information

PIZZAPEELIA is a website dedicated to all things pizza and aims to provide valuable information on how to make the best pizza at home. The website focuses on various aspects of pizza making, including the best pizza ovens, the art of creating the perfect pizza dough, and tips for achieving restaurant-quality pizza in any setting. Additionally, PIZZAPEELIA provides insights into the best products available to enhance your pizza creations.

Expertise and Objectivity

It is important to note that PIZZAPEELIA is committed to delivering accurate and unbiased information to its users. The content provided on the website derives from extensive research, culinary expertise, and personal experiences of the writers and contributors. However, it is essential to exercise personal judgment and discretion when implementing any recommendations or techniques discussed on the website.

Affiliate Relationships

To support the operation of the website and ensure its continuous availability to users, PIZZAPEELIA may participate in various affiliate marketing programs. This means that if a user makes a purchase through certain links on the site, PIZZAPEELIA may earn a small commission from the affiliated merchant. It is worth noting that this does not affect the price of the product for the user, nor does it compromise the integrity or objectivity of the content.

Product Recommendations

PIZZAPEELIA may provide recommendations for specific pizza ovens, dough mixers, or other related products. These recommendations are based on thorough research, user reviews, and the expertise of the team. However, it is important to understand that individual preferences and circumstances may vary, and users are ultimately responsible for making their own purchasing decisions. PIZZAPEELIA encourages readers to conduct independent research and consider their specific needs before purchasing any products.


While PIZZAPEELIA strives to ensure accurate and up-to-date information, it is important to acknowledge that the field of pizza making is constantly evolving and individual results may vary. PIZZAPEELIA cannot be held responsible for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the content provided. The use of any information or techniques discussed on the website is at the user’s own discretion and risk.

Your Responsibility

By accessing and using the PIZZAPEELIA website, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to the terms of this disclosure. It is your responsibility to review this disclosure periodically for any updates or changes. If you do not agree with any part of this disclosure, we kindly request that you refrain from using our website.

Last updated: August 8, 2023