Ooni Karu 16 Multi-Fuel Pizza Oven- Recommended by Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana

For the love of pizza! Make authentic Neapolitan pizza in your backyard. For years, pizza pros have said you just can’t make Neapolitan pizza at home. But the game has changed. The new Ooni Karu 16 Multi-Fuel Pizza Oven is the first and only pizza oven to be ‘Recommended for Domestic Use’ by the Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana (AVPN), the acclaimed international authority on Neapolitan pizza. That’s a BIG deal! The Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana has two purposes: to preserve the authorship of Neapolitan pizza and to teach the world how to achieve true Neapolitan pizza. We submitted ourselves to their scrutinizing standards, and we are so pleased with the result. Here’s Antonio Pace, Founder & President of the AVPN, explaining why it recommends Ooni Karu 16! Helping to uphold Neapolitan tradition is a great honor and achievement. Subscribe to our channel to be the first one to know about our latest products and recipes!

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Ooni Karu 16 Multi-Fuel Pizza Oven

Ooni Karu 16 Multi-Fuel Pizza Oven- Recommended by Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana

Get the only AVPN recommended pizza oven here!

Introduction to Ooni Karu 16

Have you ever dreamed of making authentic Neapolitan pizza in the comfort of your own home? Look no further than the Ooni Karu 16 Multi-Fuel Pizza Oven. This innovative and versatile pizza oven is designed to bring the flavors of Italy right to your backyard. With its high-tech features and exceptional performance, the Ooni Karu 16 is a game-changer in the world of pizza-making.

Features of Ooni Karu 16

The Ooni Karu 16 is packed with incredible features that make it stand out from other pizza ovens on the market. One of the key features is its multi-fuel capability, allowing you to use both gas and wood as fuel options. This versatility provides you with flexibility and ensures that you can achieve the perfect cooking temperature for your pizzas. Additionally, the oven is equipped with a custom-designed stone baking board, which ensures even heat distribution and results in a crispy and delicious crust every time.

Another noteworthy feature of the Ooni Karu 16 is its innovative airflow control system. This system allows you to adjust the heat flow within the oven, giving you precise control over the cooking process. Whether you prefer a quick and crispy pizza or a slow-cooked, melt-in-your-mouth delight, the Ooni Karu 16 can deliver it all. The oven also boasts an easy-to-read temperature gauge, making it effortless to monitor the cooking temperature and achieve consistent results.

Get the only AVPN recommended pizza oven here!

Benefits of Using Ooni Karu 16

Using the Ooni Karu 16 has numerous benefits that will enhance your pizza-making experience. Firstly, the oven has been recommended by the prestigious Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana (AVPN), an organization dedicated to preserving the authenticity and tradition of Neapolitan pizza. This recommendation speaks volumes about the quality and performance of the Ooni Karu 16.

But what does it mean to have the AVPN’s recommendation? It signifies that the Ooni Karu 16 meets the strict standards set by the AVPN for authentic Neapolitan pizza-making. The AVPN’s purpose is to protect and promote the true Neapolitan pizza tradition, ensuring that the ingredients, techniques, and cooking methods are preserved. Antonio Pace, President of the AVPN, explains that the Ooni Karu 16 is an important tool for aspiring pizza-makers to uphold the Neapolitan tradition with excellence.

The honor and achievement of upholding the Neapolitan tradition with the Ooni Karu 16 cannot be understated. By using this oven, you become part of a rich history that dates back centuries. From the bustling streets of Naples to your own backyard, you can carry on the legacy of Neapolitan pizza-making with pride.

Video By Ooni

To further understand the credibility and impact of the Ooni Karu 16, let’s delve into the video produced by Ooni. This video serves as a testament to the quality and performance of their products. It features testimonials from renowned pizza professionals, Attilio Pacchetti and Antonio Pace.

Attilio Pacchetti, an experienced pizzaiolo, highlights the Ooni Karu 16’s ability to reach high temperatures in a short amount of time. This feature ensures that your pizzas are cooked quickly, resulting in a perfect balance between the crispiness of the crust and the melt-in-your-mouth toppings. Antonio Pace, President of the AVPN, emphasizes the importance of equipment like the Ooni Karu 16 in preserving the Neapolitan tradition and ensuring pizza excellence worldwide.

The impact of this video on Ooni’s products cannot be underestimated. It not only showcases the quality and performance of the Ooni Karu 16 but also establishes trust and credibility in the brand. By hearing from industry professionals and witnessing the oven in action, potential customers can feel confident in their decision to invest in the Ooni Karu 16.

Ooni Karu 16 Multi-Fuel Pizza Oven- Recommended by Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana

Making Neapolitan Pizza at Home

Making Neapolitan pizza at home can be a challenge for many pizza enthusiasts. The traditional Neapolitan pizza requires high heat, ideally from a wood-fired oven, and a specific dough recipe. However, thanks to the Ooni Karu 16, these challenges can be easily resolved.

One of the main challenges of making Neapolitan pizza at home is achieving the high temperatures required for a perfectly cooked pizza crust. Traditional ovens often fall short in this regard, as they cannot reach the necessary temperatures. The Ooni Karu 16, with its efficient design and multi-fuel capability, ensures that you can replicate the intense heat of a wood-fired oven. This allows you to achieve the signature charred crust that is the hallmark of an authentic Neapolitan pizza.

In addition, the Ooni Karu 16 simplifies the process of making Neapolitan pizza at home. With its user-friendly features and precise temperature control, even novice pizza-makers can achieve professional-level results. The oven’s compact size and lightweight construction make it ideal for home use, and its easy-to-assemble design means you can start making Neapolitan pizza in no time.

To perfect your homemade Neapolitan pizza, the Ooni App is an invaluable tool. This free app offers a variety of recipes and step-by-step guides, ensuring that you have all the information you need to create delicious pizzas. From dough preparation to topping combinations, the Ooni App is your go-to resource for achieving Neapolitan pizza perfection.

Preserving Neapolitan Pizza Authenticity

The Neapolitan pizza is more than just a delicious meal; it is a cultural and culinary treasure that must be preserved. The AVPN recognizes the importance of maintaining the integrity of this tradition and has made tremendous efforts in doing so.

The AVPN focuses on various aspects that contribute to preserving Neapolitan pizza authenticity. These include promoting high-quality ingredients, implementing strict guidelines for dough preparation, and ensuring adherence to traditional cooking methods. By upholding these standards, the AVPN guarantees that every Neapolitan pizza produced maintains the authentic taste and texture that has delighted pizza lovers for generations.

The Ooni Karu 16 plays a vital role in preserving the Neapolitan tradition. By providing an accessible and high-quality pizza oven, Ooni enables pizza enthusiasts worldwide to create Neapolitan-style pizzas with ease. The oven’s exceptional performance and adherence to AVPN standards ensure that the pizzas made using the Ooni Karu 16 are true to the Neapolitan tradition.

In addition to preserving the Neapolitan tradition, the Ooni Karu 16 also contributes to spreading the correct method of making Neapolitan pizza. By providing a reliable and user-friendly tool, Ooni helps educate and inspire aspiring pizza-makers, ensuring that the Neapolitan tradition lives on for future generations.

Ooni Karu 16 Multi-Fuel Pizza Oven- Recommended by Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana

Benefits of Ooni Karu 16

The Ooni Karu 16 offers a multitude of benefits that make it a must-have for pizza enthusiasts. Firstly, it guarantees the quality and authenticity of Neapolitan pizza. With its ability to reach high temperatures and produce an evenly cooked crust, the Ooni Karu 16 ensures that every bite is a burst of authentic Neapolitan flavor.

Versatility is another key advantage of the Ooni Karu 16. Its multi-fuel capability allows you to use both gas and wood as fuel options, giving you the freedom to choose the method that best suits your preferences. Whether you prefer the traditional taste of a wood-fired pizza or the convenience of a gas oven, the Ooni Karu 16 has you covered.

Efficiency and ease of use are also significant benefits of the Ooni Karu 16. The oven’s innovative features, such as the airflow control system and temperature gauge, ensure that you have full control over the cooking process. Additionally, the Ooni Karu 16’s lightweight and portable design make it perfect for outdoor use, allowing you to enjoy Neapolitan pizza wherever you go.

Positive Feedback from Pizza Professionals

The Ooni Karu 16 has received widespread praise and positive feedback from both pizza professionals and enthusiasts alike. Renowned pizzaiolos and pizza lovers have endorsed the oven for its exceptional performance and ability to produce authentic Neapolitan-style pizzas.

Pizza professionals who endorse the Ooni Karu 16 note its reliability and efficiency. They appreciate the oven’s ability to reach high temperatures quickly, allowing for faster cooking times. The even heat distribution ensures consistent results, which is crucial in creating the perfect Neapolitan pizza.

Feedback from pizza enthusiasts echoes these sentiments. Users rave about the Ooni Karu 16’s ease of use and versatility. The oven’s compact size and lightweight design make it a viable option for home use, and its multi-fuel capability caters to various cooking preferences. Many users have shared their experiences of hosting pizza parties and impressing their guests with delicious homemade pizzas cooked in the Ooni Karu 16.

The impact of the Ooni Karu 16 extends beyond individual users. Its popularity has created a thriving community of pizza enthusiasts who share tips, recipes, and advice. This sense of community exemplifies the transformative impact that the Ooni Karu 16 has had on the world of pizza-making.

Ooni Karu 16 Multi-Fuel Pizza Oven- Recommended by Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana

Comparison with Other Pizza Ovens

To further understand the superiority of the Ooni Karu 16, let’s compare it with other pizza ovens on the market. This comparison will explore various criteria, including performance, affordability, and innovation.

In terms of performance, the Ooni Karu 16 stands out from its competitors. Its ability to reach high temperatures quickly and its even heat distribution give it an edge in creating the perfect Neapolitan pizza. Other pizza ovens may struggle to achieve the same level of heat and consistency, resulting in unevenly cooked pizzas and compromised flavor.

Affordability is another aspect where the Ooni Karu 16 shines. While some pizza ovens on the market may come with a hefty price tag, the Ooni Karu 16 offers exceptional value for money. Its high-quality construction, innovative features, and versatility make it a worthwhile investment for any pizza lover.

However, despite its undeniable superiority, the Ooni Karu 16 also highlights a plateauing of innovation in the pizza oven industry. While the Ooni Karu 16 incorporates cutting-edge features and delivers exceptional performance, many other pizza ovens on the market fail to match its level of innovation. This underscores the unique position that the Ooni Karu 16 holds as a game-changer in the industry.

Ooni Karu 16: A Game Changer

The Ooni Karu 16 is more than just a pizza oven; it is a game-changer in the world of home pizza-making. By revolutionizing the way we make Neapolitan pizza at home, the Ooni Karu 16 has shattered the belief that professional-quality pizza can only be enjoyed at a pizzeria.

Homemade Neapolitan pizza has often been dismissed as a myth; an unattainable dream for pizza enthusiasts. However, with the Ooni Karu 16, this myth is debunked. Now, anyone with a passion for pizza can create authentic Neapolitan masterpieces in the comfort of their own home.

Furthermore, the Ooni Karu 16 expands the reach of Neapolitan pizza. No longer confined to the kitchens of traditional pizzerias, Neapolitan pizza can now be enjoyed by people around the world. Whether you live in a bustling city or a remote countryside, the Ooni Karu 16 brings the flavors of Naples wherever you are.

Ooni Karu 16 Multi-Fuel Pizza Oven- Recommended by Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana


In conclusion, the Ooni Karu 16 Multi-Fuel Pizza Oven is a remarkable tool for pizza enthusiasts looking to elevate their homemade pizza experience. With its outstanding features, such as multi-fuel capability, precise temperature control, and innovative design, the Ooni Karu 16 ensures that every pizza is a masterpiece of Neapolitan authenticity.

The AVPN’s recommendation of the Ooni Karu 16 further solidifies its status as the go-to pizza oven for those seeking the true Neapolitan pizza experience. By upholding the traditions and standards set by the AVPN, the Ooni Karu 16 enables pizza lovers to carry on the legacy of Neapolitan pizza-making with honor and pride.

The future prospects for the Ooni Karu 16 are promising, as it continues to inspire and delight pizza enthusiasts worldwide. Through continued collaboration with the AVPN and its dedication to preserving Neapolitan pizza authenticity, Ooni reaffirms its commitment to delivering excellence and revolutionizing the world of home pizza-making.

For the love of pizza! You can now make authentic Neapolitan pizza in your own backyard.

For years, pizza pros have claimed that Neapolitan pizza can only be made in professional pizza ovens. But now, with the new Ooni Karu 16 Multi-Fuel Pizza Oven recommended by the Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana (AVPN), you can achieve that same authentic taste at home. This is a significant endorsement from the renowned international authority on Neapolitan pizza.

The AVPN has a twofold mission: to protect the heritage of Neapolitan pizza and to educate people around the world on how to make true Neapolitan pizza. We underwent their rigorous evaluation process and are proud to announce that the Ooni Karu 16 has received their recommendation. Here’s Antonio Pace, the Founder \u0026 President of AVPN, explaining why they endorse the Ooni Karu 16! Being recognized for upholding Neapolitan tradition is a great honor and accomplishment.

To learn more about the AVPN, visit their website

Find out more about Ooni Pizza Ovens