Ooni pizza oven what can you cook

Hey there! Today, we’re going to talk about the Ooni pizza oven and all the amazing things you can cook in it. I recently came across a video by Pro Home Cooks titled “What Else Can You Cook In Your Pizza Oven (5 Recipes)” and it blew my mind. In the video, the host explores the advancements in pizza oven technology that allow home cooks like you to make restaurant-style pizzas at home. But it doesn’t stop at pizza, oh no! The video showcases five different recipes that can be cooked in the pizza oven, including pita bread, steak, vegetables, tandoori chicken, and even apple crumble. With mouthwatering visuals and taste tests, this video will definitely make you want to get creative and try out some new recipes in your very own pizza oven. So let’s dive in and see just how far we can push the boundaries of this incredible kitchen gadget.

Check out the Ooni pizza oven what can you cook here.

Advancements in Pizza Oven Technology

High temperatures for restaurant-style pizza

In recent years, advancements in pizza oven technology have revolutionized the way we cook and enjoy our favorite pizzas. One of the key advancements is the ability to achieve high temperatures, similar to those found in professional pizzerias. Traditional home ovens often struggle to reach the necessary temperatures, resulting in pizzas that are undercooked and lacking that crispy, charred crust that is so essential to a delicious pizza. However, with the new generation of pizza ovens, you can now achieve that perfect, restaurant-style pizza in the comfort of your own backyard.

Even heat distribution

Another important advancement in pizza oven technology is the even heat distribution. Traditional ovens often have hot spots and uneven heat, leading to pizzas that are cooked unevenly and have inconsistent textures. With the latest pizza ovens, the heat is spread evenly throughout the cooking chamber, ensuring that your pizza cooks perfectly from all angles. This means that you no longer have to worry about rotating your pizza halfway through cooking to avoid burned spots. Instead, you can confidently place your pizza in the oven and trust that it will cook evenly and thoroughly, resulting in a mouthwatering pizza every time.

Fast cooking times

Gone are the days of waiting for your pizza to cook for what feels like an eternity. With the advancements in pizza oven technology, cooking times have been significantly reduced. These new ovens can reach higher temperatures faster, allowing your pizza to cook in a fraction of the time compared to traditional ovens. This is particularly beneficial for those with busy schedules or hungry guests waiting to be served. No more impatiently staring at the oven timer, as your pizza will be ready in a flash. The fast cooking times also mean that you can easily cook multiple pizzas in a short period, making it ideal for hosting pizza parties or family gatherings.

Cooking Bread in the Pizza Oven

Importance of fresh bread

There’s nothing quite like the aroma of freshly baked bread wafting through your home. With a pizza oven, you can now enjoy the pleasure of baking your own bread and savor the taste of warm, crusty loaves straight from the oven. The high temperatures achieved by these ovens are perfect for bread-making, as they facilitate the development of a crisp, golden crust while maintaining a soft and fluffy interior. Whether you prefer classic baguettes, hearty sourdough loaves, or delicate focaccia, a pizza oven can elevate your bread-baking game and bring a touch of artisanal charm to your kitchen.

Using a standard overnight pizza oven recipe

When it comes to baking bread in a pizza oven, you don’t need to reinvent the wheel. You can easily adapt your favorite bread recipes to be cooked in a pizza oven. Most standard overnight bread recipes, designed for a conventional oven, can be used in a pizza oven with some modifications. The high temperatures will significantly reduce the cooking time, so it’s important to monitor your bread closely to avoid burning. Start with a lower cooking time than the recipe suggests and increase it gradually until you find the perfect balance of a well-browned crust and a fully baked interior. With a little experimentation and practice, you’ll be baking professional-quality bread in no time.

Ooni pizza oven what can you cook

Find your new Ooni pizza oven what can you cook on this page.

Steak Recipe in the Pizza Oven

Dry brining the rib eye

Who says pizza ovens are only for pizzas? These versatile ovens can also be used to cook a wide range of other dishes, including mouthwatering steaks. To achieve a perfectly seared and flavorful steak, start by dry brining the rib eye. Dry brining involves generously seasoning the meat with salt and allowing it to sit in the refrigerator for a few hours or overnight. The salt draws out moisture from the meat, which then dissolves, creating a brine that is reabsorbed into the steak, resulting in enhanced flavor and tenderness. Once the dry brining process is complete, you’re ready to take your steak to the next level using a pizza oven.

Cooking on a cast iron plate

To ensure even cooking and achieve a beautiful sear, it is recommended to cook your steak on a preheated cast iron plate in the pizza oven. Cast iron retains heat exceptionally well and distributes it evenly, resulting in a perfectly cooked steak. Preheat the cast iron plate in the pizza oven for at least 30 minutes to ensure it reaches the desired temperature. Once the plate is hot, carefully place the seasoned steak on it and return it to the oven. The high heat of the pizza oven will quickly sear the steak, locking in the juices and creating a delicious crust on the outside.

Achieving a perfect medium-rare

The cooking time for your steak will depend on the thickness and desired level of doneness. However, as a general guideline, a medium-rare steak is typically cooked to an internal temperature of around 130°F (54°C). It’s essential to use an instant-read meat thermometer to ensure that your steak is cooked to perfection. Remember, the cooking time will be relatively short in a pizza oven due to its high temperatures, so it’s crucial to keep a close eye on the internal temperature. Once your steak has reached the desired temperature, remove it from the oven and let it rest for a few minutes, allowing the juices to redistribute. Slice against the grain and prepare to be amazed by the tender and flavorful steak that you’ve cooked in your pizza oven.

Vegetable Recipes in the Pizza Oven

Flame-roasted potatoes

While pizza ovens are often associated with cooking meat and pizzas, they are also fantastic for preparing vegetables. One delicious and straightforward vegetable recipe that you can try in your pizza oven is flame-roasted potatoes. Start by parboiling the potatoes until they are just tender. Then, toss them in olive oil, salt, and any desired seasonings, such as rosemary or garlic. Transfer the potatoes to a cast iron skillet or a pizza oven-safe pan and place them in the pizza oven. The high heat will roast the potatoes to perfection, giving them a crispy exterior while keeping the inside soft and fluffy. Serve these flame-roasted potatoes as a delectable side dish or use them as a base for a flavorful potato salad.

Honey-glazed carrots

Another vegetable recipe that shines in the pizza oven is honey-glazed carrots. This recipe beautifully balances the natural sweetness of carrots with a touch of honey for a delightful caramelized glaze. Begin by tossing the peeled and trimmed carrots in olive oil, salt, and pepper. Arrange them in a single layer on a pizza oven-safe tray and drizzle them generously with honey. The high temperatures of the pizza oven will quickly roast and caramelize the carrots, intensifying their natural flavors and creating an irresistible combination of sweet and savory. These honey-glazed carrots make a vibrant and enticing side dish that pairs perfectly with a variety of main courses.

Cooking in the same pan as the steak

One of the advantages of using a pizza oven is the ability to cook multiple dishes simultaneously. This feature allows you to fully utilize the oven’s heat and cook different components of a meal at once. For instance, while your steak is sizzling on the cast iron plate, you can place a pan of vegetables, such as mushrooms or zucchini, in the oven to cook alongside it. The steak will infuse the vegetables with its delicious juices, creating a harmonious flavor profile and saving you time and effort. Just be mindful of the cooking times for each component to ensure that everything is cooked to perfection.

Ooni pizza oven what can you cook

Tandoori Chicken Skewers in the Pizza Oven

Marinade ingredients

Experience the flavors of the Indian subcontinent with tandoori chicken skewers cooked in a pizza oven. The vibrant spices and bold flavors of tandoori chicken are perfectly complemented by the intense heat of a pizza oven. To prepare the marinade, combine yogurt, lemon juice, garlic, ginger, paprika, cumin, coriander, turmeric, cayenne pepper, and garam masala in a bowl. Mix well to ensure that all the ingredients are combined and coat the chicken pieces thoroughly in the marinade. Allow the chicken to marinate for at least a few hours, or ideally overnight, in the refrigerator to enhance the flavors and tenderize the meat.

Marinating overnight

Marinating the chicken overnight allows the flavors to penetrate deeply into the meat, resulting in a more intense and well-rounded taste. The yogurt in the marinade helps to tenderize the chicken, making it incredibly moist and succulent. As the pizza oven reaches high temperatures, the tandoori marinade will create a lovely char and seal in the juices, resulting in moist and flavorful chicken skewers. Serving these tandoori chicken skewers with a cooling side of raita and warm naan bread will transport you to the bustling streets of India, right in the comfort of your own home.

Crispy and flavorful results

The high temperatures of the pizza oven work wonders when it comes to cooking tandoori chicken skewers. The intense heat quickly sears the chicken, resulting in a beautifully charred exterior while keeping the meat tender and juicy on the inside. This quick cooking process ensures that the chicken remains moist, resulting in skewers that are bursting with flavor. The pizza oven’s ability to evenly distribute heat ensures that each chicken skewer is cooked to perfection, allowing you to achieve consistent and delicious results every time.

Baking Apple Crumble in the Pizza Oven

Ingredients for the apple crumble

Indulge your sweet tooth by baking a delightful apple crumble in your pizza oven. The combination of warm, spiced apples and a buttery crumble topping is a classic dessert that everyone will adore. To prepare the apple filling, you will need apples, sugar, flour, lemon juice, cinnamon, nutmeg, and a pinch of salt. Peel, core, and slice the apples, then toss them with the remaining ingredients until they are well coated. For the crumble topping, you will need flour, butter, sugar, and a pinch of salt. Combine these ingredients in a bowl, using your fingers to rub the butter into the flour and sugar until the mixture resembles coarse breadcrumbs.

Cooking until heated through and golden brown

Once you have prepared the apple filling and the crumble topping, it’s time to assemble your apple crumble and bake it in the pizza oven. Spread the apple filling evenly in a pizza oven-safe baking dish and sprinkle the crumble topping on top. Place the dish in the pizza oven and bake until the apples are heated through, juicy, and tender, and the crumble topping is golden brown and crisp. The high heat of the pizza oven will ensure that the apples soften and release their juices, while the crumble topping turns delightfully crunchy and caramelized. Serve your apple crumble warm with a dollop of honey whipped cream for the ultimate comfort dessert.

Serving with honey whipped cream

The addition of honey whipped cream takes this apple crumble to a whole new level of decadence. Simply whip fresh cream until soft peaks form, then drizzle in a generous amount of honey and continue whipping until stiff peaks are achieved. The light and airy texture of the whipped cream adds a delightful contrast to the warm and comforting apple crumble. The subtle sweetness of the honey perfectly complements the spiced apples, creating a taste sensation that will leave you craving more. With the vibrant flavors and irresistible aroma of this homemade apple crumble, you’ll impress your friends and family with your baking prowess.

Experimenting with Different Recipes

Honey roasted carrots

Once you’ve mastered the basics of cooking in a pizza oven, it’s time to let your creativity soar and experiment with different recipes. Honey roasted carrots are a delightful twist on traditional roasted carrots. To prepare these, simply toss peeled and trimmed carrots with olive oil, salt, pepper, and a generous drizzle of honey. Place the carrots in a pizza oven-safe pan and let them roast until they are caramelized and tender. The high heat of the pizza oven will intensify the sweetness of the carrots, creating a luscious glaze that pairs perfectly with any main course or as a standalone side dish. Don’t be afraid to add a sprinkle of your favorite herbs or spices to elevate the flavors even further.

Tandoori inspired chicken skewers

Building upon the previous tandoori chicken skewers recipe, you can further experiment with different flavors and marinades. By tweaking the spices and ingredients in the marinade, you can create tandoori-inspired chicken skewers that bring a unique twist to the traditional recipe. Consider incorporating aromatic spices like fenugreek, cardamom, or cloves to add complexity to the marinade. You can also experiment with different yogurt-based marinades by incorporating herbs like mint, cilantro, or basil. The pizza oven’s high temperatures will infuse these flavors into the chicken, resulting in deliciously fragrant and tender skewers that provide a tantalizing taste experience.

Getting creative with flavors

With a pizza oven at your disposal, the possibilities for culinary creativity are endless. Don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone and experiment with unique combinations and flavors. For instance, you can try grilling peaches in the pizza oven and serve them alongside a scoop of creamy vanilla ice cream for a delightful summer dessert. Or you can roast a medley of vegetables, such as bell peppers, eggplant, and zucchini, to create a vibrant and healthy side dish. The intense heat of the pizza oven will elevate these ingredients, bringing out their natural flavors and providing a depth of taste that you may not have experienced before. Let your imagination guide you and allow your taste buds to be the judge.

Taste Test and Ratings

Evaluation of each recipe

After trying out a variety of recipes in your pizza oven, it’s essential to evaluate each one to determine which were the most successful and enjoyable. Consider the taste, texture, presentation, and overall satisfaction of each dish. Did the pizza oven elevate the flavors and textures, resulting in a superior outcome compared to traditional cooking methods? Were there any adjustments or modifications that could be made to improve future attempts? Rate each recipe, taking into account the level of difficulty, the time required, and the ultimate satisfaction derived from the final product.

Overall satisfaction

Reflecting on the recipes you’ve tried and the overall experience of cooking in a pizza oven, consider your overall satisfaction with the results. Did the pizza oven provide a convenient and efficient cooking experience? Were you able to achieve professional-quality results that surpassed your expectations? Take note of the standout dishes and the positive reactions they garnered from your friends and family. The ultimate goal is to create memorable culinary moments and enjoy delicious meals that inspire and delight.

Ooni pizza oven what can you cook

Encouragement to Try New Recipes

Exploring the possibilities

With the advancements in pizza oven technology, there has never been a better time to explore the endless possibilities that these versatile ovens offer. Don’t limit yourself to just cooking pizzas or sticking to the tried and tested recipes. Instead, let your curiosity guide you and embrace the excitement of trying new recipes and techniques. Challenge yourself to experiment with different ingredients, flavors, and cooking methods. Whether it’s baking bread, grilling meats, roasting vegetables, or creating delectable desserts, the pizza oven can unlock a world of culinary adventures waiting to be discovered.

Customizing pizzas and other dishes

One of the greatest advantages of cooking in a pizza oven is the ability to customize your dishes to your exact preferences. From choosing your favorite toppings for pizzas to adjusting the seasoning and marinades for meats, the pizza oven allows you to be in complete control of your culinary creations. Experiment with different combinations and flavors to create unique and personalized dishes that reflect your taste and preferences. With the fast cooking times and even heat distribution of a pizza oven, you can confidently let your creativity shine and enjoy the fruits of your delicious experiments.


Versatility of the Ooni pizza oven

In conclusion, the advancements in pizza oven technology have truly transformed the way we cook and enjoy our favorite dishes. The Ooni pizza oven, with its high temperatures, even heat distribution, and fast cooking times, provides a versatile and efficient cooking experience. From restaurant-style pizzas with perfectly crispy crusts to flavorful steaks and vibrant vegetable dishes, the Ooni pizza oven allows you to recreate a variety of recipes with impressive results.

Delicious results with a variety of recipes

Whether you’re baking fresh bread, grilling succulent meats, roasting luscious vegetables, or creating indulgent desserts, the pizza oven’s high heat and even cooking make every dish exceptional. The possibilities are endless, and the only limits are your imagination and willingness to try new flavors and techniques. With the Ooni pizza oven as your culinary partner, you can embark on a delicious journey and amaze yourself and your loved ones with the mouthwatering results of your cooking endeavors. So go ahead, fire up your pizza oven, and let the aroma and taste of homemade perfection fill your kitchen and your heart.

Get your own Ooni pizza oven what can you cook today.