Pizza Perfection Starts Here: Discover How to Make a Pizza Sauce

In this article, “Pizza Perfection Starts Here: Discover How to Make a Pizza Sauce,” you will learn the secrets to creating a delicious Neapolitan-style pizza sauce. The video tutorial, produced by Städler Made, takes you through the process step by step, ensuring that you can make the most perfect pizza in your Outdoor Oven. The lesson begins by advising against cooking the sauce, as it can result in a dry pizza. Instead, you will be shown how to make a simple sauce using canned mill tomatoes and a sprinkle of salt. The article also highlights the importance of using high-quality tomatoes, such as San Marzano tomatoes, for a rich and sweet flavor. The sauce-making process is further discussed, including techniques for achieving a pulpy texture and suggestions for adding subtle flavors. Once you have mastered the sauce, you can explore the endless possibilities of creating your own unique pizzas. Get ready to savor the beautiful tomato sauce and enjoy a pizza party like never before!

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Lesson number one: Pizza sauce versus pasta sauce

When it comes to sauce for your pizza, there are a few important differences to keep in mind compared to pasta sauce. While pasta sauce tends to be heavier and richer in flavor, pizza sauce should be lighter and more subtle. This is because the sauce on a pizza has to complement the other ingredients without overpowering them.

Lesson number two: Avoid heavy flavors

In line with the previous lesson, it’s important to avoid using sauces with heavy flavors for your pizza. Heavy flavors can easily overpower the taste of the crust, cheese, and toppings, resulting in an unbalanced and heavy pizza. Instead, opt for sauces that are more light and fresh in taste. This will allow all the flavors to meld together harmoniously, creating a delicious and well-balanced pizza.

Pizza Perfection Starts Here: Discover How to Make a Pizza Sauce

No time to learn how to make a pizza sauce? Click here!

Three steps to sauce like a boss

Now that we understand the importance of a light and flavorful sauce for our pizza, let’s dive into the steps to achieve sauce perfection.

Step 1: Open the can of peeled tomatoes

Start by opening a can of peeled tomatoes. It’s important to choose high-quality tomatoes for the best flavor. San Marzano tomatoes from Italy are often regarded as the gold standard, but if those aren’t available, any good-quality canned peeled plum tomatoes will do the trick.

Step 2: Milling the tomatoes

Next, you’ll want to mill the tomatoes to achieve the desired consistency for your sauce. There are a few different methods you can use for this, depending on the tools you have available.

Traditional hand-milling technique

For a more traditional approach, you can use a handheld food mill or a potato masher to crush the tomatoes. This method allows you to control the texture of the sauce better and provides a rustic feel.

Using a blender

If you prefer a smoother sauce, you can use a blender or food processor to puree the tomatoes. This will result in a sauce with a more uniform texture, which can be great if you like a silky-smooth pizza sauce.

Using a food mill

Another option is to use a food mill, which will separate the tomato pulp from the skins and seeds. This yields a sauce with a smooth consistency while still retaining some texture and character.

Step 3: Adding salt

Once you have milled the tomatoes to your desired consistency, it’s time to add salt. Salt plays a crucial role in bringing out the natural flavors of the tomatoes and balancing the overall taste of the sauce. Start with a pinch of salt and adjust to your preference. Remember, you can always add more later, but you can’t take it away.

Adding extra flavor with chili flakes

If you’re a fan of a little heat and extra flavor, consider adding some chili flakes to your pizza sauce. This will give it a subtle kick and a touch of complexity that can take your pizza to the next level. Just be mindful of the amount you use to avoid overpowering the other flavors.

Importance of not cooking the sauce

Now that you have mastered the art of making the perfect pizza sauce, let’s discuss why it’s important not to cook the sauce before putting it on your pizza.

Effects of moisture loss in the oven

When you cook a pizza in the oven, the high heat causes moisture to evaporate, resulting in the loss of juiciness. If you cook the sauce before putting it on the pizza, you’ll end up with a drier final product. By using raw sauce, you allow it to release its moisture during the baking process, keeping your pizza moist and delicious.

Avoiding a dry pizza

Using raw sauce also helps prevent your pizza from becoming dry. The sauce acts as a barrier between the crust and the high heat of the oven, helping to retain moisture and prevent the crust from becoming too crispy or burnt. This ensures that every bite of your pizza is bursting with flavor and has a satisfying texture.

Benefits of a pulpy sauce

In addition to retaining moisture, using a pulpy sauce has its own set of benefits. The pulp in the sauce adds an extra layer of texture to the pizza, creating a more enjoyable eating experience. It also enhances the overall flavor by providing bursts of tomato goodness in every bite.

The role of salt in the sauce

The addition of salt to the sauce not only balances the flavors but also helps in preserving the tomatoes. Salt acts as a natural preservative by inhibiting the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms. This allows you to store the sauce for longer periods without compromising its freshness.

Enhancing the tomato flavor with chili flakes

If you decided to add chili flakes to your sauce, you’ll not only be adding heat but also enhancing the flavor of the tomatoes. The slight spiciness and complexity from the chili flakes elevate the taste of the sauce, making it even more delectable.

Pizza Perfection Starts Here: Discover How to Make a Pizza Sauce

Choosing the right tomatoes

To create a truly exceptional pizza sauce, it’s essential to choose the right type of tomatoes. Different varieties of tomatoes have varying flavor profiles and acidity levels, which can significantly impact the taste of your sauce.

Using ripe tomatoes for the sauce

When selecting tomatoes for your sauce, it’s crucial to choose ripe ones. Ripe tomatoes have a more intense flavor and a sweeter taste, which will make your sauce more vibrant and appealing. Avoid using underripe or overripe tomatoes, as they may result in a less flavorful sauce.

San Marzano tomatoes from Italy

San Marzano tomatoes from the Campania region of Italy are widely regarded as the best tomatoes for pizza sauce. These tomatoes are known for their rich, sweet, and tangy flavor, making them perfect for creating an authentic and delicious sauce. Look for canned San Marzano tomatoes from reputable brands for the best results.

Canned peeled plum tomatoes as an alternative

If you can’t get your hands on San Marzano tomatoes, don’t worry! Canned peeled plum tomatoes are a great alternative. They have a robust flavor and just the right amount of acidity to create a tasty pizza sauce. Look for high-quality canned tomatoes without any added preservatives or artificial flavors for the best results.

Step-by-step guide to making pizza sauce

Now that you understand the importance of choosing the right tomatoes and the role of each ingredient in the sauce, let’s put it all together in a step-by-step guide.

Step 1: Open the can of peeled tomatoes

Start by opening a can of peeled tomatoes. Pour the tomatoes into a bowl, and use a fork or your hands to break them up into small pieces. This will make it easier to mill the tomatoes later on.

Step 2: Milling the tomatoes

Choose your preferred method of milling the tomatoes. Whether you opt for the traditional hand-milling technique, using a blender, or a food mill, be sure to achieve the desired consistency for your sauce. Remember to adjust the texture based on your personal preference.

Step 3: Adding salt

Once you have milled the tomatoes, it’s time to add salt. Start with a pinch of salt and gradually taste as you go. Remember, you can always add more, but you can’t take it away, so be cautious not to overdo it.

Additional flavoring with chili flakes

If you want to add a little kick to your sauce, sprinkle in some chili flakes. Start with a conservative amount, taste, and adjust accordingly. Remember, you can always add more later, but you can’t take it away, so start with a small amount and build up the heat gradually.

Spreading the sauce on the pizza

Now that your sauce is ready, it’s time to spread it on your pizza. Use a spoon or ladle to distribute the sauce evenly, leaving a small border around the edges for the crust to puff up. Be generous with the sauce but avoid overloading the pizza, as this can result in a soggy crust.

Experimenting with different flavor combinations

Now that you have mastered the art of making a basic tomato sauce pizza, it’s time to get creative and experiment with different flavor combinations. The beauty of pizza is that it’s a canvas for culinary creativity, allowing you to customize it to your liking.

Toppings and cheese to complement the sauce

Consider how the toppings and cheese will complement the flavors of the sauce. For example, a Margherita pizza with fresh basil leaves and mozzarella di bufala pairs perfectly with a simple tomato sauce. On the other hand, a pizza topped with spicy pepperoni and sharp cheddar cheese can handle a slightly spicier and more robust sauce. Experiment with different combinations to find your perfect match.

Creating unique pizza masterpieces

One of the joys of making your own pizza is the freedom to experiment and create unique flavor combinations. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box and try unconventional toppings or seasonings. Whether it’s adding roasted garlic, fresh herbs, or even a drizzle of balsamic glaze, the possibilities are endless. Have fun and let your taste buds be your guide!

Appreciating the simplicity of a basic tomato sauce pizza

While it’s exciting to experiment with different flavors and toppings, sometimes there’s nothing quite like the simplicity of a classic tomato sauce pizza. The combination of a well-made sauce, a flavorful crust, and quality cheese can create a culinary experience that is hard to beat.

Enjoying the flavors of the tomato sauce

When you take that first bite into a slice of pizza topped with a basic tomato sauce, you can truly appreciate the flavors of the sauce. The natural sweetness and richness of the tomatoes, enhanced by the salt and subtle heat from the chili flakes, create a symphony of flavors that dance on your taste buds.

Celebrating the art of pizza making

Making your own pizza from scratch, starting with a homemade sauce, is a labor of love. It allows you to appreciate the skill and craftsmanship that goes into creating this beloved dish. So next time you embark on a pizza-making adventure, take a moment to celebrate the artistry and joy that come with every slice. After all, pizza is not just a meal—it’s an experience.

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