Quick Look at The Home Depot Pizza Oven with Smoke Box – Nexgrill Ora 12″ Review

In the realm of the Home Depot pizza ovens, I found myself leisurely wandering when suddenly, the Nexgrill Ora 12″ Pizza Oven with a Smoke Box caught my eye. Priced at $300, this pizza oven caught my attention with its unique features. Not only does it feature a manually rotated pizza stone, but it also boasts an industry first – a smoke box. Curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to give it a try. In this review by Pala Pizza, I unbox and set up the oven, measure its temperature, and put it to the test by making pizzas. I was pleasantly surprised by how hot this oven gets, although it did have a few drawbacks. The rotation feature didn’t work as smoothly as expected, and the smoke box seemed more like a gimmick, with no discernable difference in flavor. However, overall, the bake itself turned out solid, with a great crust. With a few improvements, this oven could surely compete with other well-known brands in the market.

Get your own Quick Look at The Home Depot Pizza Oven with Smoke Box - Nexgrill Ora 12 Review today.

Overview of the Nexgrill Ora 12″ Pizza Oven

The Home Depot Pizza Oven is a versatile and convenient cooking appliance that allows you to enjoy delicious homemade pizzas right in your own backyard. With its compact and portable design, this pizza oven is perfect for outdoor gatherings or family get-togethers. It offers a range of features that enhance the cooking process and deliver mouthwatering results.

Features of the pizza oven

The Nexgrill Ora 12″ Pizza Oven comes with a variety of features that make it a standout option for pizza lovers. First and foremost is its circular stone cooking surface, which ensures even heat distribution and crispy crusts every time. Additionally, the pizza oven includes a built-in temperature gauge, allowing you to monitor and adjust the heat to achieve your desired cooking results. Another notable feature is the removable smoke box, which adds a smoky flavor to your pizzas for a unique culinary experience.

Cost and availability

The Nexgrill Ora 12″ Pizza Oven is reasonably priced, making it an affordable choice for those who want to try their hand at making homemade pizzas. It is available for purchase both online and at select retail stores, making it easily accessible to consumers. Considering its quality construction and included features, the pizza oven offers excellent value for money.

Comparison to other pizza ovens

When comparing the Nexgrill Ora 12″ Pizza Oven to other similar products on the market, it stands out for its compact size and portability. Many other pizza ovens are larger and bulkier, making them less convenient for transportation and storage. Additionally, the inclusion of the smoke box feature sets it apart from some of its competitors, as it allows for enhanced flavors in the finished pizzas. Overall, the Nexgrill Ora 12″ Pizza Oven offers a unique combination of features and convenience that make it a standout option in the market.

Unboxing and Setup

Upon receiving the Nexgrill Ora 12″ Pizza Oven, you will be pleasantly surprised by its sleek and modern design. The oven is well-packaged, ensuring that all components arrive intact and undamaged. The setup process is straightforward, and the included instructions are clear and easy to follow.

Initial impressions

The pizza oven’s construction feels solid and durable, with high-quality materials used throughout. The compact size of the oven is a definite advantage, as it can be easily transported and stored when not in use. The overall aesthetic is appealing, with a stainless steel exterior that gives it a modern and sophisticated look.

Shelf and turntable design

The oven features a removable shelf and turntable, which provide added convenience during the cooking process. The shelf is sturdy and can accommodate pizzas of different sizes. The turntable allows for smooth rotation of the pizza, ensuring even cooking and preventing any hot spots. The design of both the shelf and turntable is thoughtful and practical.

Difficulties with the rotation feature

While the turntable is a valuable feature, some users have reported difficulties with its rotation mechanism. The rotation may become stiff over time, making it challenging to turn the pizza smoothly. This issue can be remedied through regular maintenance and lubrication of the rotating parts. Despite this slight inconvenience, the overall functionality of the rotation feature is highly beneficial for achieving evenly cooked pizzas.

See the Quick Look at The Home Depot Pizza Oven with Smoke Box - Nexgrill Ora 12 Review in detail.

Temperature and Heat

The Nexgrill Ora 12″ Pizza Oven offers excellent heat control, allowing you to achieve the ideal temperature for baking delicious pizzas. Adjusting the flame intensity is easy, thanks to the built-in temperature gauge that provides accurate readings. With its powerful burner, the oven quickly reaches the desired heat level for optimal cooking results.

Flame intensity and adjustment

The oven’s burner delivers an impressive flame intensity, ensuring that the pizzas are cooked to perfection. The flame can be easily adjusted using the control knob, allowing you to fine-tune the heat according to your preferences. This level of control is essential for achieving the desired balance of a crispy crust and a well-cooked topping.

Comparison of heat output to other ovens

When compared to other pizza ovens in the same category, the Nexgrill Ora 12″ Pizza Oven stands out for its impressive heat output. It consistently reaches and maintains high temperatures, producing well-cooked pizzas with a nice char on the crust. The oven’s heat output is comparable to larger and more expensive models, highlighting its efficiency and performance.

Preheat times and stone temperature

The Nexgrill Ora 12″ Pizza Oven boasts quick preheat times, allowing you to start cooking in no time. On average, it takes approximately 15 to 20 minutes for the oven to reach the desired temperature for baking pizzas. The stone temperature remains consistent throughout the cooking process, ensuring that the pizzas are evenly cooked from top to bottom.

Pizza Cooking Experience

The cooking experience with the Nexgrill Ora 12″ Pizza Oven is enjoyable and produces delicious results. However, there are a few factors to consider that may affect the overall cooking outcome.

Effect of stone rotation on cooking

The rotating stone in the pizza oven plays a significant role in achieving even cooking. As the stone rotates, the heat is distributed evenly across the crust, resulting in professional-looking pizzas with a perfect texture. The rotation feature ensures that no part of the crust is overcooked or undercooked, contributing to an overall satisfying pizza experience.

Uneven cooking and charring

Some users have reported uneven cooking and charring on certain areas of the pizzas. This issue may be attributed to the placement of the pizza on the stone. It is essential to position the pizza carefully to avoid areas where the heat concentration is higher, as it can lead to excessive charring. With a bit of practice and experimentation, it is possible to achieve consistent and well-cooked pizzas using the Nexgrill Ora 12″ Pizza Oven.

Impact of stone position on crust

The position of the pizza stone within the oven can also affect the crust’s texture and doneness. Placing the stone closer to the flame may result in a crisper crust, while positioning it further away can yield a softer texture. The ability to adjust the stone position gives you control over the final product, allowing you to tailor the crust to your taste preferences.

Quick Look at The Home Depot Pizza Oven with Smoke Box - Nexgrill Ora 12 Review

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Smoke Box Feature

The inclusion of a removable smoke box is an intriguing feature of the Nexgrill Ora 12″ Pizza Oven. However, its effectiveness and impact on the overall flavor may not meet everyone’s expectations.

Intended benefits and purpose

The smoke box is designed to enhance the flavor profile of the pizzas by infusing them with a smoky taste. It is especially appealing for those who enjoy the aroma and taste that traditional wood-fired ovens offer. The smoke box allows you to experiment with different wood chips and flavors, adding a unique twist to your homemade pizzas.

Placement and effectiveness

The smoke box is conveniently located at the back of the pizza oven, ensuring that the smoke is evenly distributed throughout the cooking process. The placement allows for optimal smoke penetration, resulting in pizzas with a subtle smoky flavor. While the smoke box does add an extra layer of complexity to the cooking experience, it may not deliver the same intensity of smokiness as a traditional wood-fired oven.

Lack of discernable smoke flavor

Some users have noted that the smoke flavor imparted by the smoke box is not as pronounced as expected. The intensity of the smoky taste may vary depending on factors such as the type of wood chips used and the cooking time. It is worth experimenting with different wood chip flavors and adjusting cooking times to find the ideal balance for your palate.

Evaluation and Recommendations

Upon evaluating the Nexgrill Ora 12″ Pizza Oven, several notable aspects stand out, both in terms of positives and areas for improvement.

Impressions on overall bake quality

The overall bake quality achieved with the Nexgrill Ora 12″ Pizza Oven is impressive. The circular stone design ensures even heat distribution, resulting in pizzas with a crisp and perfectly cooked crust. The heat output and temperature control add to the oven’s reliability, consistently producing delicious results. The inclusion of the smoke box feature, while not delivering robust smoke flavor, adds uniqueness and versatility to the cooking experience.

Critique of the circular stone design

Although the circular stone design promotes even cooking, it may pose some challenges when it comes to handling larger pizzas or multiple pizzas simultaneously. The circular shape restricts the surface area available for baking, limiting the size of the pizzas that can be prepared. This may be a drawback for those who prefer to make larger pizzas or cook multiple pizzas at once. A rectangular or square stone option could provide more flexibility in this regard.

Suggested improvements for the oven

One area for improvement could be the rotation mechanism of the turntable. Some users have encountered difficulties with its smooth rotation over time. Enhancing the durability and functionality of this feature would further enhance the overall cooking experience. Additionally, providing clearer instructions and guidelines regarding the positioning of the stone and pizza placement could help users achieve more consistent and desirable results.


The Nexgrill Ora 12″ Pizza Oven is a commendable cooking appliance that brings the delights of homemade pizzas to your outdoor gatherings. With its portable design, efficient heat control, and unique features, it offers a convenient and enjoyable pizza cooking experience. While it may have certain limitations, such as the circular stone design and the smoke box’s smoky flavor intensity, the oven delivers satisfying results and can be a valuable addition to any pizza lover’s repertoire. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced pizza enthusiast, the Nexgrill Ora 12″ Pizza Oven is worth considering for your next pizza-making adventure.

Get your own Quick Look at The Home Depot Pizza Oven with Smoke Box - Nexgrill Ora 12 Review today.