The Top 10 Best Ideas For Homemade Pizza Toppings

A plain pizza is fine, but do you know how to top your pie just right? These are the top 10 best ideas for homemade pizza toppings that you need to try on your slice, off top. What’s up everyone, I’m Cliff Skighwalker, host of Thrillist’s new hit show, “Instachef,” owner of Cliff’s Pizza, and overall bonafied pizza fanatic. I believe that pizza in any form is something beautiful, even if it’s as simple as a plain cheese pie. But variety is the spice of life, and pizza toppings are, well, they can make or break a slice. Today, I’m sharing with you my definitive list of the 10 best pizza toppings, and my number one pick is definitely gonna surprise you. And no, it’s not pepperoni. Get with the times.

Ten, ham and pineapple. Let’s just get it out the way, let’s get real controversial. I’m not opposed to it. Some of you people are so adamant about hating this combination. Even if you’re not a fan, give it a try before you straight up say no. If you hate it so much, you might be doing it wrong. Try instead of ham, capicola, and instead of pineapple, make a pineapple chutney. That’s what I’d do. It’s pretty good, you should try it. Nine, pepperoni, on pepperoni, on pepperoni. It’s a timeless classic. Can never go wrong with it, but there are so many more flavors to try, thus, it’s number nine on my list. Number eight, black olives and mushrooms. The brininess of the black olive paired with the meatiness of a mushroom come together and form this Voltron of flavors. Look, you might be an olive hater in real life, but once you put it on a pizza, whole different ballgame. I like it, if you’re not sure about it, just give it a try. You never know, that may turn out to be your favorite slice. Number seven, sausage and peppers. It’s a classic, the salty, meatiness of the sausage, paired with just a very, very calming array of peppers, just, it’s amazing. So sausage and peppers is a great topping combination for Chicago-style pizza. Whether it’s deep dish or Chicago thin crust, which is one of my favorites. Try it, it’s number seven on my list, might be number one in your heart. We’re keepin’ the list rollin’. Number six, roasted veggies. Listen, leave those weird child hangups about hating vegetables behind. Just because you’re putting veggies on a pizza doesn’t mean it’s healthy. It’s not. That’s all I got, I’m sorry. Roasting a vegetable brings all type of flavors, and caramelization to it. And really, when you take all of that and put it on top of a pizza, the flavors just continue to bloom and grow, and just open up as you’re chewing. My roasted veggie go-tos, I like a roasted broccoli, a roasted pepper, roasted onion. Let me say that one more time. Roasted onion, do it. Number five, bacon. With everything. Bacon and sausage, bacon and pepperoni, bacon and onion. If you’re feelin’ real freaky, bacon with fig. Bacon with fig. Don’t knock it till you tried it, I’m just sayin’. The saltiness, the gaminess, it brings everything to another level. We all love bacon, and if you don’t, probably had a terrible childhood. Now bacon might not be the first thing you think of when it comes to pizza toppings, but look, you already eat cold pizza for breakfast, you might as well throw bacon on it. Number four, salami, sweet sausage, sopressata. The combination of meat flavors, they just go well together. This combination goes great with Detroit-style pizza. This combination goes great with Chicago thin crust, maybe even a New York slice. I guess I’m sayin’ it goes great with everything. Number three, barbecue chicken, and red onions. So the same folks that don’t like ham and pineapple don’t think barbecue chicken and pizza should go together. Y’all are wrong. Barbecue chicken, pizza, harmonious combination. Sprinkle in the red onion for a little bite and to cut through the richness of the barbecue chicken. When it comes to making barbecue chicken pizza, you don’t wanna burn the chicken. So my advice, as soon as you get the dough laid out, add a thin layer of barbecue chicken. The cheese develops a protection so that your chicken doesn’t burn. And then after parcooking it for awhile, add a little chicken on top, let it go for about five to 10 minutes. Number two, banana peppers, and pickled onions. There’s a good chance you’ve never tried this combo, and you’re missin’ out. This is one of my signature pizzas. The acidity of both flavors comes together, cuts through the richness of a pizza, especially if it’s a Detroit-style. The brininess, the pickliness. Pickliness isn’t a word, I made it up. Just roll with me. Those flavors, when it comes to dough, sauce, and cheese, they just work, it’s beautiful, you should try it too. My number one pick. Shrimp pizza, yes. I said it, shrimp pizza. Listen, shrimp is so great on its own, but when you mix it with just with a beautiful slice of pizza, you hear that? It’s birds singin’. It’s the ocean breeze. Maybe a honk or two of your uncle’s Mercedes. You smell that? It’s a fresh pie comin’ out of the oven. Shrimp topped all on it. Mmm, mmm, mmm. Shrimp pizza is a signature pizza that I like to make. I like to cook the pizza, parbake it a little bit, add the shrimp, and just when the shrimp is cooked through all the way, you pull it out of the oven, you serve it immediately. The taste and textures of the shrimp paired with just standard pizza toppings, offer a great, meaty substitute to the toppings that you’re used to. The pepperoni, the sausage. You get a real taste of the sea when it comes to shrimp, and when you pair that with pizza, it’s a match made in heaven. I told you you’d be surprised at my number one pick. I wasn’t gonna let you down. Shrimp pizza. Give it a try. As you can see, I’ve got some strong opinions about pizza and pizza toppings. Do yourself a favor. Pick up a phone, dial up your favorite pizza spot, and get a pie topped right, off top. Once again, I’m Cliff Skighwalker. Thanks for hanging out, talking pizza. If you wanna see me explore how chefs are using social media to show their food to the world, make sure you tune into “Instachef” on Thrillist.

Top 10 Best Ideas for Homemade Pizza Toppings

The Top 10 Best Ideas For Homemade Pizza Toppings

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Imagine the aroma of freshly baked dough, the gooey melted cheese, and the explosion of flavors in your mouth. Making homemade pizza is not only a fun and creative activity but also allows you to customize your toppings according to your preferences. Whether you like it spicy, tangy, or loaded with proteins, we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 best ideas for homemade pizza toppings that will surely tantalize your taste buds. Prepare yourself for a pizza adventure like no other!

10. Ham and Pineapple

Known as the classic Hawaiian pizza, the combination of ham and pineapple brings a perfect blend of savory and sweet flavors to your pizza. The slices of ham provide a salty and smoky taste, while the pineapple adds a burst of tropical sweetness. This combination is ideal for those who enjoy a contrast of flavors on their pizza, offering a unique and delightful experience.

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9. Pepperoni on Pepperoni

If you’re a true pepperoni lover, why settle for just a few slices? Pile on the pepperoni for an explosion of spicy and savory goodness with every bite. The pepperoni slices become slightly crispy around the edges, adding a satisfying crunch to your pizza. This topping idea is a crowd-pleaser and will surely satisfy even the most devoted pepperoni enthusiasts.

8. Black Olives and Mushrooms

For a more earthy and rich flavor profile, try combining black olives and mushrooms as your pizza toppings. The briny and slightly salty taste of black olives pairs perfectly with the earthiness of mushrooms, creating a combination that is both sophisticated and satisfying. The combination of these toppings is also great for vegetarians looking for a hearty and enjoyable pizza experience.

7. Sausage and Peppers

Do you enjoy a bit of spice in your life? Look no further than the classic combination of sausage and peppers. The juicy and flavorful sausage, combined with the sweet and slightly tangy taste of the peppers, creates a pizza that is bursting with deliciousness. The sausage provides a hearty and filling element, while the peppers add a vibrant color and a touch of heat. This combination is perfect for those who enjoy a little kick in their pizza.

6. Roasted Veggies

For a lighter and healthier alternative, consider topping your homemade pizza with roasted vegetables. From bell peppers and zucchini to eggplant and cherry tomatoes, the options are endless. Roasting the vegetables gives them a delicious caramelized flavor, bringing out their natural sweetness. This topping idea is not only scrumptious but also adds a colorful and visually appealing element to your pizza.

5. Bacon with Everything

Bacon lovers rejoice! Why settle for just a sprinkle of bacon when you can have it with everything? This indulgent topping idea involves generously covering your pizza with crispy bacon strips, creating a heavenly combination of smoky, salty, and savory flavors. The bacon adds a delightful crunch to each bite and works well with a variety of other toppings, such as onions, tomatoes, or even pineapple for a unique twist.

4. Salami, Sweet Sausage, Sopressata

If you’re in the mood for a meat lovers’ pizza, consider combining salami, sweet sausage, and sopressata. Each of these cured meats brings its own distinct flavor and texture to the pizza. The salami offers a rich and savory taste, the sweet sausage adds a touch of sweetness and juiciness, while the sopressata brings a mildly spicy kick. This trio of flavors creates a pizza that is bold, indulgent, and perfect for meat aficionados.

3. Barbecue Chicken and Red Onions

Looking to add some tangy and smoky flavors to your pizza? Try the combination of barbecue chicken and red onions. The tangy and slightly sweet barbecue sauce pairs beautifully with the tender and juicy chicken, while the thinly sliced red onions add a burst of contrasting flavor and texture. This topping idea adds a unique twist to your homemade pizza, making it a standout choice for those who enjoy a hint of barbecue goodness.

2. Banana Peppers and Pickled Onions

For those seeking a pizza with a tangy and spicy kick, the combination of banana peppers and pickled onions is a winning choice. The banana peppers provide a tangy and slightly acidic taste, while the pickled onions add a zing of flavor. Together, they create a topping combination that enhances the overall taste of your pizza, leaving you wanting more. This exciting flavor combination is great for those who enjoy a bit of heat and acidity in their pizza.

The Top 10 Best Ideas For Homemade Pizza Toppings

1. Shrimp Pizza

When it comes to unique and decadent pizza toppings, shrimp takes the crown. The succulent and tender texture of the shrimp, combined with its briny and slightly sweet flavor, creates a truly indulgent pizza experience. Whether you opt for a garlic butter sauce or a spicy marinara base, the shrimp will undoubtedly shine as the star of the show. This topping idea is perfect for seafood lovers looking to elevate their pizza game.

In conclusion, whether you prefer a classic combination like Ham and Pineapple or a more adventurous option such as Shrimp Pizza, the possibilities for homemade pizza toppings are truly endless. Get creative, experiment with different flavors, and enjoy the process of crafting your own pizza masterpiece. With these top 10 best ideas for homemade pizza toppings, you can’t go wrong. So, roll up your sleeves, gather your ingredients, and get ready to savor the deliciousness of homemade pizza topped with your favorite flavors!

On today’s episode of “The Hit List,” Thrillist’s very own Cliff Skighwalker (InstaChef) shares his 10 absolute best pizza topping combinations known to humankind. From classic favorites like pineapple and ham to more unique choices like banana peppers and pickled onions, Cliff’s passion for pizza shines through as he raves about each delicious combination. As someone who eats pizza a lot and knows pizza inside out, it would be wise to listen to his recommendations. So, if you’re looking for some mouthwatering ideas to take your homemade pizza to the next level, be sure to check out Cliff’s top 10 pizza topping combos. Trust us, these combinations are guaranteed to satisfy your taste buds.

Topping a pizza messy? Get your pizza topping station here