The Ultimate Guide to Making Neapolitan Pizza from Scratch

Are you ready to embark on a delicious journey to master the art of making Neapolitan pizza from scratch? Look no further, because the Ultimate Guide to Making Neapolitan Pizza from Scratch is here to help you become a pizza-making pro. Created by Pro Home Cooks, this video guide covers every step of the process, from making the perfect pizza sauce using fresh tomatoes, to creating a soft and chewy dough, to making your own mozzarella cheese from scratch. With sections on sauce-making, dough preparation, mozzarella creation, and even herb oil, this guide has everything you need to create the most mouthwatering Neapolitan pizza ever. But that’s not all! Pro Home Cooks has also launched a new shop at, where you can shop all the gear featured in the video and elevate your home cooking game. Plus, you can follow the video creator, Mike G, on Instagram @lifebymikeg for behind-the-scenes action. So get ready to roll up your sleeves, gather the best ingredients, and let’s make some incredible Neapolitan pizza together!

Let’s dive into the first step: the pizza sauce. Have you ever wondered how pizza places achieve that perfect flavor? Well, it’s all about using canned tomatoes, and in this guide, we show you how to can your own tomatoes for the best results. Get ready to learn about the canning process, from sanitizing jars to removing tomato skins and filling the jars for a proper seal. And while we’re on the topic of ingredients, we’ll also teach you the secrets to making the perfect pizza dough, including the right flour, yeast amount, hydration percentage, and salt. You’ll discover the importance of gently folding the dough instead of kneading it and letting it ferment overnight in the fridge for extra flavor. But it doesn’t stop there – we’ll also guide you through the process of making homemade mozzarella from scratch, using non-homogenized milk, citric acid, and rennet. From slicing the curds to increasing the temperature and straining the cheese, you’ll be amazed by how easy it is to make your own mozzarella. So get ready to create the most incredible Neapolitan pizza with your own two hands – the results will be absolutely worth it!

The Ultimate Guide to Making Neapolitan Pizza from Scratch

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Sourcing fresh tomatoes

When it comes to making the best Neapolitan pizza, using fresh tomatoes for the sauce is crucial. Look for ripe, flavorful tomatoes at your local farmers market or grocery store. If you have access to a garden, even better! Homegrown tomatoes will add an extra level of freshness to your pizza sauce.

Choosing the right flour

The flour you use for your pizza dough can make a big difference in the final product. Many pizzaiolos opt for double zero flour, which is finely milled and results in a tender, soft crumb. However, if you want a bit more structure and elasticity in your dough, you can blend double zero flour with high-protein bread flour. Experiment with different ratios to find the perfect balance for your taste.

Selecting the best milk for mozzarella

If you’re taking the extra step to make homemade mozzarella, choosing the right milk is important. Non-homogenized milk is recommended for the best texture and flavor. Look for milk from a local dairy if possible, or opt for organic milk from a trusted source.

Gathering other necessary ingredients

In addition to tomatoes, flour, and milk, you’ll need a few other ingredients to complete your Neapolitan pizza. Some of these ingredients include yeast, salt, citric acid, rennet, oregano, and oil. Make sure to have these on hand before you start making your pizza from scratch.

Section 1: Sauce Making

Sanitizing jars

Before you can start canning your tomato sauce, it’s important to sanitize the jars to ensure they are clean and free from any contaminants. You can do this by running the jars through a dishwasher cycle or by boiling them in hot water.

Removing tomato skins

To create a smooth and silky pizza sauce, it’s necessary to remove the skins from your tomatoes. Start by bringing a large pot of water to a boil, then carefully place the tomatoes in the boiling water for about 2-3 minutes. Once the skins start to crack, transfer the tomatoes to an ice bath to shock them and make it easier to remove the skins.

Filling and sealing jars

After removing the skins, fill your sanitized jars with a mixture of whole tomatoes and tomato juice, leaving a little room at the top for expansion during the canning process. You can also add a basil leaf to each jar for added flavor. Once filled, place clean lids on the jars and seal them tightly.

Canning process

Once your jars are filled and sealed, it’s time to process them to make them shelf-stable. Boil the jars in a large pot of water for approximately 45 minutes. This boiling process creates a vacuum seal, ensuring that your tomato sauce will last for up to a year. After boiling, set the jars aside to cool, and check that the lids are properly sealed the next day.

Use this to craft your next great pizza

Section 2: Dough Preparation

Measuring yeast amount

To achieve a flavorful and well-fermented dough, it’s important to measure the yeast accurately. Using too much yeast can result in a fast rise and lack of flavor. For a thousand grams of flour, a half teaspoon of yeast is sufficient.

Calculating hydration percentage

The hydration percentage refers to the ratio of water to flour in your dough. A hydration percentage of 65% is often recommended for Neapolitan pizza. For a thousand grams of flour, you’ll need approximately 650 grams of water. Adjust the water amount according to your desired hydration level.

Adding salt for flavor

Salt is an essential ingredient in pizza dough as it enhances the flavor. For a thousand grams of flour, 20 grams of salt is a good starting point. Adjust the amount to suit your taste preferences.

Gently folding the dough

Instead of kneading the dough vigorously, a gentle folding process is recommended for Neapolitan pizza dough. This helps to develop the gluten structure without overworking the dough. Keep your hands slightly wet to prevent sticking, and fold the dough over itself several times until it becomes smooth and elastic.

Section 3: Mozzarella Making

Using non-homogenized milk

When making mozzarella from scratch, using non-homogenized milk is key. Non-homogenized milk retains its natural fat content and results in a creamier and more flavorful cheese. Look for milk from a local dairy or opt for organic milk.

Adding citric acid and rennet

To create mozzarella, you’ll need to add citric acid and rennet to the milk. Citric acid helps to acidify the milk, while rennet aids in the coagulation process. Follow the instructions on your chosen citric acid and rennet packets for the correct measurements and timing.

Slicing and mixing the curds

Once the milk has coagulated, it will form curds. Carefully slice the curds using a serrated knife in a checkerboard pattern. This will allow the whey to separate from the curds. Gently mix the curds by hand while gradually increasing the temperature to 105 degrees Fahrenheit. This process helps to create a firm texture in the mozzarella.

Straining and ripping into small pieces

After mixing the curds, strain them using a fine-mesh strainer or cheesecloth. Let the curds drain for a few minutes until they reach the desired moisture level. Then, rip the curds into small, bite-sized pieces. Your homemade mozzarella is now ready to be used as a topping for your Neapolitan pizza.

The Ultimate Guide to Making Neapolitan Pizza from Scratch

Section 4: Herb Oil

Blending oregano with oil

Herb oil adds a burst of flavor to any pizza. To make a flavorful herb oil, blend fresh oregano with your choice of oil. You can use a food processor or blender to achieve a smooth consistency. Adjust the amount of oregano based on your taste preferences.

Briefly boiling the mixture

Once the oregano and oil are blended, heat the mixture on the stovetop just until it starts to boil. This brief boiling process helps to infuse the oil with the flavors of the oregano.

Creating a flavorful herb oil

After boiling, let the herb oil cool and strain it to remove any leftover bits of oregano. Your flavorful herb oil is now ready to be drizzled over your Neapolitan pizza, adding an extra layer of taste.

Section 5: Pizza Making

Cooking in a pizza oven

For the most authentic Neapolitan-style pizza, cooking in a pizza oven is ideal. The high heat of a wood-fired oven creates a crispy crust and allows the toppings to cook quickly. If you don’t have access to a pizza oven, a preheated oven set to its highest temperature can also yield great results.

Applying homemade sauce and cheese

Once your pizza dough is rolled out and ready, spread a generous amount of your homemade tomato sauce over the dough, leaving a small border for the crust. Then, evenly distribute the homemade mozzarella over the sauce. The combination of the fresh sauce and creamy mozzarella will create a delicious base for your pizza.

Adding fresh basil as a topping

Neapolitan pizza is often topped with fresh basil leaves. Sprinkle a handful of torn basil leaves over the pizza for a burst of freshness and aromatic flavor. The basil will pair perfectly with the tomato sauce and mozzarella.

Achieving the perfect Neapolitan style

To achieve the perfect Neapolitan-style pizza, it’s important to cook the pizza quickly in a hot oven. The high heat will ensure that the crust becomes crisp and slightly charred while the cheese melts and bubbles. Keep a close eye on the pizza as it cooks, and rotate it if necessary to ensure even browning.

Section 6: Curated Shopping Experience

Announcement of Pro Home Cooks’ ecommerce shop

Exciting news! Pro Home Cooks has launched a brand new ecommerce shop at This shop offers a curated selection of kitchen brands and products to enhance your home cooking experience. Now, you can easily find and shop for the gear featured in our videos.

Featured kitchen brands and products

In our curated shop, we have partnered with our favorite kitchen brands in the game. You’ll find a wide range of high-quality cookware, utensils, appliances, and more. Each product has been carefully selected to help you level up your cooking game and recreate the recipes from our videos.

Opportunity to shop the gear mentioned in the video

If you were inspired by the pizza-making process in our video, you’re in luck! The exact gear and ingredients used in the video are available for purchase in our shop. From the right flour to the best tools for canning and cheese making, we’ve got you covered. Visit to explore the shop and find everything you need to make the greatest Neapolitan pizza at home.


In conclusion, making Neapolitan pizza from scratch is a labor of love that requires sourcing the best ingredients and using top-notch skills and techniques. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be able to create a homemade pizza that rivals those from your favorite pizzerias. From canning fresh tomatoes for the sauce to preparing the perfect dough and making mozzarella from scratch, each step contributes to the overall flavor and experience of the pizza. The satisfaction of creating a homemade pizza with the best ingredients is unmatched, and we hope this guide has inspired you to embark on your own Neapolitan pizza adventure. Remember to check out our new ecommerce shop at to shop all the gear featured in our videos and level up your home cooking game even further. Happy pizza making!

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